Bet Kylie Minogue’s arse isn’t quite the R’s you were expecting. Thanks to the UK Sun newspaper for the picture. |
The P, Q & R of the AMERICA’S Gift Index
The arse above belongs to Australian pop singer and actress Kylie Minogue. It has been voted the best arse in Britain. And if you’re a straight guy or a not-so-straight girl, it’s bound to be more fun to look at than a dry book index – even if that book is about the origins of the blues.
Nevertheless, the R’s in the book Index below are quite interesting, too, as are its P’s and Q’s. Big hitters found in this AMERICA’s Gift index include the Rolling Stones on 12 pages, Elvis Presley on nine pages and lots and lots of rock & roll mentions.Should want to see the full AMERICA’s Gift index, please preview the book on the Amazon link here:
W. C. Handy’s ex-partner, Harry Pace, started the first black-owned record company, Black Swan |
Pace, Harry: 218-219, 221, 225-226.
Pace Phonographic Corporation: 219, 327.
Pacific Ocean: 123, 135.
Pacific Coast Blues: 227.
Packenham, Sir Edward (Ned): 53, 61, 63.
Padlock, The: 27-29, 31.
Padgett, Ken: 49-50.
Palakiko Blues: 235.
Palomar Ballroom, Los Angeles: 275.
Palmer, Robert: 164, 290-291, 335.
Paganini, Nicole: 53, 280.
Panassie, Hugues: 339, 357.
Papa Charlie and Blind Blake Talk About It: 252.
Papa’s Lawdy Lawdy Blues: 251.
Paramount Records: 228, 233, 265, 270, 297, 299, 327.
Paris, France: 227, 294, 314, 336, 357.
Under-valued British 1950s blues singer Ottilie Paterson with Louis Jordan, right, and Chris Barber, left. |
Passaic (N.J.) County Historical Society journal: 78.
Paterson, Jim: 117.
Pathé (record label): 327.
Patterson, Ottilie: 358.
Patti, Adelina: 111.
Patton, Charlie: 8, 133, 149, 161-165,199, 252, 267-270, 273, 352.
Paul, Elliott: 102.
Paul, Les: 342-343.
Peace In The Valley: 311.
Peale, Rembrandt: 41.
Peebles, McKinley: 251.
Pelham, Dick: 73-74.
Pentagon: 342.
Pestcoe, Shlomo: 31.
Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac – one great 1960s blues band |
Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac: 96, 362.
Philadelphia: 77, 194, 245, 258-259, 297, 354, 367.
Philadelphia Centennial Fair: 62.
Philadelphia National Academy of Music: 245.
Phillips, Sam: 360, 363.
Picayune Butler is Going Away: 66-67.
Piccolo Pete: 316.
Pick A Bale Of Cotton: 362.
Piedmont blues: 165-166, 159.
Pinetop’s Boogie Woogie: 269.
Piron and Williams: 240-241.
Piron, Armand J: 240.
Pizzarelli, Bucky: 344.
Pocahontas: 16.
Poe, Edgar Allan: 277.
Point Comfort, Chesapeake Bay: 18, 22.
A rare 1915 photograph of the Piron and Williams orchestra. Their story’s in AMERICA’s Gift |
Polka/polkas: 131.
Poland/Poles/Polish: 107, 305
Pollard, Harry: 210.
Pony Blues: 162, 267.
Porgy and Bess: 151.
Porter and Porter: 195.
Portugal/Portuguese: 15-18, 135, 235.
Possum songs: 105-106.
Possum (Opossum) Up A Gum Stump/Tree: 35-36, 40, 43, 61, 128.
Poulton, George: 92.
Powell, Louis: 341.
Prelude Op 3 No. 2: 259.
Prescott, Arizona: 103.
Presley, Elvis: 92, 303, 305, 312, 335, 353, 360-361, 363.
Preston, Jimmy and his Prestorians: 367.
Jimmy Preston features in AMERICA’s Gift’s as my 19th earliest rock & roll recording artist in 1949 |
Pridgett, Gertrude: 172.
Prince’s Band: 199, 201.
Prince, Charles Adams: 199, 201.
Prog Rock: 167.
Prohibition: 223, 267, 271.
Punch magazine (UK): 77.
Quarrymen: 362.
Queen: 362.
Queen’s Christy Minstrels: 83.
Queens, New York: 242.
Queen Victoria: 46, 52, 360.
Rabbit Foot Minstrels: 172, 245, 248.
Race Horse Blues: 260.
Rachmaninoff: 259.
Ragtime: 6, 46, 52, 69, 102, 104, 110-112, 115, 117-123, 127-128, 130-131, 134, 147, 150, 152, 154-156, 165, 167-168, 171-172, 179, 183, 189-191, 193, 198, 201-202, 207, 236, 252, 254, 277, 304, 315, 320, 351, 361.
Rain Crow Bill Blues: 248.
Rainey, Ma: 172-173, 184, 228, 234, 245, 252, 265-266, 269, 297, 311.
17-year-old white teenage guitar prodigy George Barnes co-wrote this song, contributing electric guitar on its 1938 recording |
Rainey, Pa: 172, 194.
Raineys, the: 195.
Ramblin’ on my Mind (book): 175, 196.
Ramblin’ on my Mind (song): 281.
RCA-Victor: 272, 302, 360.
Rede, William Leman: 56.
redhotjazz.com: 219.
Reefer Head Woman (song): 341.
Redman, Don: 242, 347.
Regal (record label): 327.
Reinhardt, Jean Reinhardt
‘Django’: 259, 294.
Reliance Brass Band: 116, 153, 160.
Reisman, Bob: 304.
Resonator: 266, 285-286, 288, 292, 317.
Reublin, Richard A: 110.
Rewald, Jason: 280-281.
Naturally Daddy Rice appears on quite a few pages in AMERICA’S Gift |
Rhythm & Blues: 355-357.
Rhythm and Blues, Rap, and Hip Hop (book): 354.
Rice, Thomas Dartmouth ‘Daddy’: 49, 51-52, 54-60, 65, 73
Richard 111 (play): 37.
Richards, Frank: 322.
Richards, Keith: 352.
Richmond, Indiana: 248, 270.
Richmond, Virginia: 59.
Memphis Slim’s 1946 track Rockin’ The House is my tenth earliest rock ‘n’ roll track. That’s just my opinion of course. |
Rickenbacher, Adolph: 289.
Rickenbacker: 286, 289-290, 292.
Ripley, Ohio: 102, 106.
Ripley, Robert: 319, 322, 324.
Robbins, Annabelle: 189.
Roberts, Sally: 231, 260.
Robeson, Paul: 297.
Rock & Roll (musical genre): 5, 21, 53, 91, 137, 159, 170, 184, 207, 269, 303-305, 313-314, 319, 336, 343, 348-350, 352-353, 355-357, 359-367.
Rock And Roll (song): 357.
Rock and Roll Baby: 366.
Rock Around The Clock: 363.
Rock Awhile: 355-356, 366.
Rocket 88: 355, 363.
Rocket 88 Boogie Parts 1 and 2: 363, 366.
Big Jimmy Rushing always gets AMERICA’S Gift’s stamp of approval |
Rock Island Line: 170, 362.
Rock Me Mama: 352.
Rocking de Heel: 52.
Rockin’ The House: 313, 365.
Roll ‘em Pete: 350, 364.
Rolling Stone magazine: 278.
Rolling Stones: 27, 158, 165, 207, 263, 265, 282, 303, 308, 333, 352, 362.
Rose, Al: 244-245.
Rossini: 46.
Rouse, Maurice: 239.
Rowe, Dick: 302-303.
Royal Christy Minstrels: 83.
Royal Garden Blues: 217.
Ruleville, Mississippi: 162.
Rushing, Jimmy: 261.
Russell, Sylvester: 195.
Rhythm Kings: 348.