The legacy of John Hammond plus other blues musings.
“I so hope it’s true (that blues is coming back into fashion), Paul. I can’t imagine growing up without the Blues.”
nora j mckiddie (@mckiddie_j) October 20, 2013.
Ana Popovic |
From Serbia, there’s that great female blues guitarist, Ana Popovic, now based in Memphis, Tennessee. Check Ana out here:
Young, with guys like Geoff Achison following in his wake. Since Geoff is probably the lesser known of those highlighted, here’s a quick link to enable you to see him in action.
well known in those days, were white American blues outfits like the Paul Butterfield Blues Band who were performing as early as 1963.
another Tommy Johnson song: ‘Big Road Blues’.
blues guitarists like Jeff Beck, Johnny Winter and Al Kooper, not that they’d ever remember me.
The great Texan blues guitarist, Johnny Winter. |
Another American blues guitarist, John Hammond, was also on the label, although he was somewhat overshadowed at the time by his father, the legendary record producer and talent discoverer, also called John Hammond.
It’s not an over statement to describe John Hammond Snr. as one of the most influential figures in 20th century popular music, yet he hardly rates a mention in the music media today. It was John Hammond who introduced the white bandleader Benny Goodman to the black bandleader, Fletcher Henderson, the maths and chemistry graduate who once worked for blues pioneer, W. C. Handy, and, later, Black Swan Records. In 1934, Goodman secured a spot on radio but only had a few songs. So he bought 36 musical arrangements from Fletcher Henderson to expand his repertoire. Goodman also appointed Henderson as his musical arranger and pianist. It’s said John Hammond persuaded Goodman and Henderson to “swing” the current jazz hits of the day so they could play in an unconfined manner, like New Orleans blues and jazz players.
John Hammond Snr. (1910 – 1987). |
It’s also said Hammond suggested Goodman include other black musicians like Charlie Christian and Lionel Hampton in his orchestra.
In this way, Benny Goodman was instrumental in introducing popular black music to the white masses and setting in motion the big band swing era. Hammond not only influenced Benny Goodman, he discovered Billy Holiday, Count Basie, Aretha Franklin and Bob Dylan amongst others; and signed such unknowns as Pete Seeger, Leonard Cohen and Bruce Springsteen to Columbia.
Famous son of a famous father. John Hammond Jnr. |
Indeed, I was listening to Springsteen’s Greeting From Ashbury Park way back in early 1973 and recently
gave a copy in mint condition to my eldest son, together with the rest of my vinyl collection.
vinyl collection.
received a Grammy Trustees’ Award. Clive Davis, another music industry legend, was running the show at the time. They were golden days. Let’s hope we are entering a new era that’s just as golden. text&field-keywords=how+blues+evolved+volume+one
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